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Design Filings

Design filings are submissions made to register a design for legal protection.



Design Filings

Design filings play a crucial role in the intellectual property framework, acting as safeguards for product visual and aesthetic aspects. The Designs Act, 2000, and the Designs Rules, 2001, regulate design registration. This blog captures the complexities of design filings in India by providing a comprehensive overview of how they work, their benefits, and key factors that businesses as well as designers should take into consideration.

What is a Design?

In intellectual property, a design is the shape, configuration, pattern, adornment, or composition of lines or colors applied to any article, whether in two-dimensional or three-dimensional form. Only the eye should evaluate these features to confirm their novelty or originality. In India, design registration is exclusively concerned with the aesthetic appeal of a product and does not encompass its functional aspects.

Importance of Design Registration

For ten years, the owner holds exclusive rights to use the design on the product, with the option to extend this period by an additional five years through design registration. This exclusivity can offer various advantages, including:

  • Market advantage: Protecting a product’s unique appearance can give it a competitive edge in the market.
  • Legal Protection: Registration serves as a legal basis for pursuing legal action against infringers, thereby discouraging unauthorized duplication and imitation.
  • Monetization Opportunities: You can license or sell registered designs to generate additional revenue streams.

Eligibility Criteria for Design Registration

The following conditions need to be met for a design to be eligible for registration:

  • Novelty and Originality: The design needs to be new or original, not previously published in any country or used in India.
  • Applicability to Article: The design should be suitable for a functional article and should contribute to its aesthetic appeal.
  • Visibility: The features of the design should be visible throughout the article’s typical use.
  • Not Scandalous or Obscene: The design must not include any content that is scandalous or vulgar.

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The Design Registration Process

In India, the design registration process involves several stages, including:

Application Filing

The initial stage is to apply to the Indian Patent Office. The application needs to include the following:

  • A duly filled Form-1.
  • Representation sheets illustrate the design from various angles.
  • A statement of novelty highlights the design’s novel and distinctive attributes.
  • Prescribed fees.


The Patent Office reviews the application to make sure that it complies with the statutory requirements upon its receipt. This includes verifying the novelty and originality of the design.


If the application meets all the necessary criteria, the Patent Office Journal publishes the design. This publication is crucial because it provides the public with access to the design.

Registration and Certificate

If there are no objections after the design’s publication, the applicant receives a certificate of registration.

Post-Registration Considerations

Maintenance of Registration

You can extend the initial ten-year period of design protection by an additional five years. You must pay renewal fees before the initial period expires to maintain the registration.

Enforcement of Rights

Registered design owners can take legal action against infringers. To enforce compliance, registered design owners may use civil remedies such as injunctions, damages, and profits accounts.

Licensing and Assignment

Designs that have been registered may be passed on to others through licensing, allowing the designer to earn an income from his or her creation. Additionally, another party may transfer or assign the designs.

Challenges in Design Registration

Despite its advantages, design registration in India presents numerous challenges.

  • Process Complexity: The design registration process can be time-consuming and complex, necessitating meticulous attention to detail.
  • Cost: The cost of registration, which includes legal and professional fees, can be substantial, particularly for small enterprises and individual designers.
  • Enforcement: Even with registration, the enforcement of design rights can be difficult because of the necessity for strong evidence and the legal complications involved.


In India, design registrations can provide considerable advantages in terms of legal protection and exclusive rights over the aesthetic aspects of products. To secure their innovative creations, designers, and businesses must understand the required eligibility requirements, registration processes, and other matters that follow. Although there are some obstacles included in this process, the benefits of having a registered design go beyond outweighing these problems; thus, it is an essential part of a broader intellectual property strategy.


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Under the Indian Designs Act, a design refers to the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament, or composition of lines or colors applied to any article in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional form, judged solely by the eye. The design must be new or original and should not cover the functional aspects of the product.

Registering your design grants you exclusive rights to use it on your product, preventing others from copying or imitating it. This protection can provide a competitive market advantage, legal recourse against infringements, and opportunities for licensing or selling the design.

A design must be new or original, not previously published or used in any country, applicable to a functional article, and enhance its aesthetic value to be eligible for design registration in India. During normal use, the item must be visible and not contain obscene or scandalous content.

The design registration process can vary in duration depending on the completeness and accuracy of the application, as well as the workload of the Patent Office. On average, it can take several months from the filing date to receive a certificate of registration.

Substantial changes to the design are impossible after submission of the application. However, the Patent Office may request minor amendments or clarifications at any point during the examination process. Before filing, check the accuracy and completeness of the design.

A registered design’s initial period of protection is ten years from the date of registration. By paying the prescribed renewal fee, you can extend this period by an additional five years, bringing the total protection period to fifteen years.

To enforce design rights, it is possible to pursue legal action against infringers through civil remedies, including injunctions, damages, and accounts of profits. It is advisable to obtain professional legal help to navigate the enforcement process, as having a registered design provides a legal basis for these actions.

Yes, a written agreement can transfer or assign a registered design to another party. Furthermore, design owners have the option to license their designs to third parties, which allows them to utilize them while simultaneously generating revenue through licensing fees. It is crucial to document these transfers or licenses with the Indian Patent Office to ensure their legal validity.