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Design Oppositions

Design oppositions challenge the registration of a design.



Design Oppositions

Design oppositions are critical in the intellectual property (IP) framework because they allow third parties to contest a design’s registration. The Designs Act, 2000, and the Designs Rules, 2001 regulate the legal framework as well as the process for design oppositions in India. This blog offers a comprehensive examination of design oppositions in India, including the process, grounds for opposition, significance, and practical considerations.

What is a Design Opposition?

A design opposition is a formal process by which a third party may object to a design’s registration. This mechanism allows stakeholders to contest the registration of a design if they believe it fails to satisfy the legal standards for protection. Design oppositions maintain the integrity of the design registry by protecting only valid designs.

Importance of Design Oppositions

Protecting Existing Rights

The rights holder can use design opposition to stop new designs from copying the unique and original designs they have patented.

Maintaining Market Fairness

Oppositions help in preventing monopolization backed by non-unique designs.

Enhancing IP Quality

From the above discussion, it is quite clear that oppositions assist in enriching the quality of the design registry by deleting designs that do not have legal backing, thus giving deserving and unique designs the required protection.

Grounds for Design Opposition

The Indian Designs Act permits opposition to a design registration on the following grounds:

Lack of Novelty and Originality

Opposition may arise when a design is not new or original. A country cannot register the design if it has previously published or used it.

Prior Publication or Use

Whether the design was published in India or used publicly in India before filing may be challenged.

The Act does not consider it a Design

The design must adhere to the definition outlined in the Designs Act. If the Act does not classify it as a design, it allows for opposition.

Designs that defy public order or morality

A design that is scandalous, obscene, or in violation of public order or morality may be opposed and rejected.

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The Design Opposition Process

Filing an Opposition

The first step is to submit the notice of opposition to the Indian Patent Office in the design opposition process. You must submit this within three months of its publication in the Patent Office Journal. An opposition notice should contain information about the reasons for opposition and materials proving that fact.

The applicant’s counterstatement

The notice of opposition challenges the applicant, who must file a counterstatement within two months of the notice’s date, providing the commission with evidence to support their position.

Hearing and Decision

The Controller of Designs may request a hearing where both parties can present their arguments and evidence. The Controller will either maintain the opposition and reject the design registration or dismiss the opposition and confirm the registration after reviewing the submission.


Within three months of the decision date, either party may file an appeal with the High Court if they are not satisfied with the decision of the controller.

Practical Considerations for Design Oppositions


It is essential to adhere to strict deadlines in the opposition process. Missing the deadline for filing an opposition or counter statement may result in losing the right to contest the design registration.

Gathering Evidence

Critically important is the acquisition of robust evidence to substantiate the arguments of the opposition. This may include prior art references, expert testimony, and previous publication or use evidence.

Professional Assistance

Considering the complexity of design oppositions, seeking professional assistance from intellectual property attorneys or consultants can substantially increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Clear Grounds for Opposition

Make certain that the grounds for opposition are specific, clear, and supported by substantial evidence. Claims that are vague or unsubstantiated are unlikely to be successful.


In the Indian intellectual property landscape, design oppositions play a crucial role in making sure the protection of only valid and original designs. Stakeholders can effectively navigate the opposition process to secure their rights and maintain market fairness by understanding the grounds for opposition, the process, and the practical considerations.

Adherence to legal requirements and an understanding of the design opposition procedure are essential for achieving a favorable outcome, regardless of whether you are a design owner seeking to defend your registration or a third party challenging an invalid design. By strategically utilizing design oppositions, businesses can maintain the integrity of their intellectual property assets and foster a competitive and innovative market environment.


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A third party can raise a formal objection against the registration of a design through a design opposition. It allows stakeholders to challenge the validity of a design registration if they believe it does not meet the legal requirements for protection.

In India, the main grounds for opposing a design registration are the following: prior publication or use, lack of novelty and originality, failure to qualify as a design under the Designs Act and violating public order or morality.

Any interested party or individual who believes that a design registration does not satisfy the legal requirements has the option to file an opposition. This encompasses competitors, industry stakeholders, and any other parties that may be impacted by the registration of the design.

You need to file a notice of opposition within three months of the design’s publication in the Indian Patent Office Journal. The Controller of Designs has the discretion to extend this period by an additional month.

The applicant is required to submit a counterstatement that addresses the grounds of the opposition within two months of submitting a notice of opposition. Both parties present their arguments and supporting evidence during a hearing. The Controller of Designs subsequently decides based on the submissions.

Yes, if either party is dissatisfied with the decision of the Controller of Designs, they can appeal to the High Court within three months of the decision date.

Prior art references, expert testimony, proof of prior publication or use of the design, and any additional relevant documents or materials that substantiate the grounds for opposition can be used as evidence to support a design opposition.

Engaging a professional can significantly increase the likelihood of a successful opposition, although it is not mandatory. Professionals can assist in gathering compelling evidence, presenting compelling arguments, and navigating the complexities of the process.