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Provisional and Complete Specification

Provisional specifications are preliminary; complete specifications are detailed.



Provisional and Complete Specification of Patents

Patents are essential in safeguarding the rights of inventors in the constantly changing environment of intellectual property and innovation. The patent procedure in India is multifaceted, beginning with the submission of a provisional specification and concluding with the submission of a complete specification. This blog delves into the complexities of provisional and complete specifications in the context of Indian patents, examining their significance, differences, and procedural requirements.

Provisional Specification

Definition and Purpose

A provisional specification functions as a preliminary document to ensure an early filing date. It is critical to establish the priority date and provide a clear overview of the invention to determine its novelty compared to subsequent filings.


  • Early Filing Date: Establishes an early priority date, which can be crucial in the event of competing filings.
  • Extended Time for Refinement: Grants the inventor an extension of time (up to 12 months) to conclude the invention’s development and prepare a comprehensive, detailed specification.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to a complete specification, the initial filing cost is lower.

Content Requirements

  • Title of the Invention: The title of the invention should be concise and reflect the invention’s essence.
  • Description: The invention is described in a broad and concise manner. It does not need to include claims that define the scope of legal protection.


The first step in the patent application process is to submit a provisional specification. It is necessary to submit Form 1 (Application for Patent Grant) and Form 2 (Provisional Specification) along with the requisite fees.

Complete Specification

Definition and Purpose

A complete specification is a detailed document that fully discloses the invention and the best execution method. For a patent to be granted, a provisional application must be converted into a complete one.


  • Detailed Disclosure: By providing extensive information about the invention, detailed disclosure makes sure the protection of the inventor’s rights.
  • Legal Protection: This includes claims that define patent protection’s legal limits.
  • Examination and Grant: If the application meets all requirements, the patent office can thoroughly examine and grant it.

Content Requirements

  • Invention Title: The same as in the provisional specification.
  • Field of Invention: Specifies the technical domain of the invention.
  • Background and Prior Art: This section discusses the current state of the art and the problems that the invention addresses.
  • Invention Summary: A concise explanation of the invention and its advantages.
  • Detailed Description: A detailed and specific description of the invention, including drawings, if necessary.
  • Claims: Clear and precise statements defining the scope of the invention’s legal protection.
  • Abstract: This is a concise synopsis of the innovation, perfect for referencing.


You must submit the final specification within 12 months of the provisional one. It entails submitting Form 2 (Complete Specification) and paying the corresponding fees. The patent office subsequently conducts a formal and substantive examination of the application.

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Key Differences Between Provisional and Complete Specification

This table highlights the basic differences between provisional and complete specifications in the patent process, thereby assisting inventors in comprehending the strategic applications and requirements of each filing type.


Provisional Specification

Complete Specification


Secures an early filing date and provides time for further development

Fully discloses the invention and includes claims for legal protection


Brief and broad description without claims

Detailed description with claims


Not required


Filing Requirements

Title and description of the invention

Title, field of invention, background, prior art, summary, detailed description, claims, and abstract

Priority Date

Establishes priority date

Relies on the priority date established by the provisional specification, if filed

Legal Protection

Does not provide legal protection on its own

Provides legal protection once granted


Lower initial filing cost

Higher filing cost

Time Frame

Must be followed by a complete specification within 12 months

Finalizes the patent application process



Mandatory for patent grant

Technical Details

Less detailed

Highly detailed, including the best method of performing the invention


It is essential to comprehend the subtleties of provisional and complete specifications to effectively navigate the Indian patent process. Although the provisional specification secures an early priority date, which provides a strategic advantage, the complete specification ensures comprehensive disclosure and legal protection. To protect their innovations and secure successful patent grants, inventors must diligently prepare both documents. Inventors can improve their patent strategy and contribute to India’s robust intellectual property landscape by leveraging the advantages of each stage.


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The primary goal of submitting a provisional specification is to make sure an early filing date and allow the inventor an additional 12 months to further develop the invention and prepare a comprehensive, detailed specification.

No, it is not required to submit a provisional specification before submitting a full specification. However, submitting a provisional specification can be advantageous in terms of establishing an early priority date.

A provisional specification must include the title of the invention and a brief description. Detailed claims are not required at this stage.

You must file a complete specification within 12 months of the provisional one. The provisional application will be deemed abandoned if not filed within this period.

A complete specification includes the title, field of invention, background, and prior art, a summary of the invention, a detailed description, claims, and an abstract.

The provisional specification’s filing date is the priority date. This date is critical in determining the invention’s novelty against subsequent filings by others.

While claims are not required in a provisional specification, including broad claims can be helpful for preliminarily defining the scope of the invention.

If the inventor fails to file a complete specification within 12 months, they consider the provisional application abandoned and lose the priority date. The inventor must refile and potentially lose the original priority date.